Aj Sherman Updated Logo and Stuff.png


Aj Sherman

Stand-Up Musical Comedian





“The Brightside Tavern, in the Powerhouse Arts District, will test the waters for live outdoor music with a show celebrating the first anniversary of the “Take a Compliment” open mic, on Friday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m.. The free show will be socially dis…

“The Brightside Tavern, in the Powerhouse Arts District, will test the waters for live outdoor music with a show celebrating the first anniversary of the “Take a Compliment” open mic, on Friday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m.. The free show will be socially distanced and require masks, and will feature performances by Diana Zinni, the organizer of the open mic, as well as Corey Smithson, Joshua Lay, Adrian Danon, Georgia Water, and AJ Sherman.“ - The show must go on? How Hudson music venues are surviving coronavirus rules, NJ.com Jim Testa https://bit.ly/2Fimqvg

“Generally, everyone kept their social distance. The police showed up briefly to check on things. The sound went out a few times. Some comedians, like Tony Loud, performed in a mask. Some wore gloves. Many joked about getting sick from the microphon…

“Generally, everyone kept their social distance. The police showed up briefly to check on things. The sound went out a few times. Some comedians, like Tony Loud, performed in a mask. Some wore gloves. Many joked about getting sick from the microphone. Almost all mentioned that they were rusty as hell, despite getting consistent laughs and even the occasional encore. The lineup consisted of mostly standup. A highlight was musical comedian AJ Sherman teaming up with Steve Posten doing pun-driven alternative comedy.“

Comedy Scene Adapts To Killer Virus with Killer Shows - Jersey City Times, July 23, 2020/in Diversions, header, Performing Arts /by Melissa Surach https://bit.ly/32ozZlg

Past Bookings

Guest Spot

Guest Spot

730pm Tonight at @lemongrasssportsbar there’s going to be a comedy show. Awesome comedians from all over NY and NJ! Come out and support live in person comedy once again!@lemongrasssportsbar 77 Main StreetBound Brook, NJ 08880730pm-9pmHosted by @laz…

730pm Tonight at @lemongrasssportsbar there’s going to be a comedy show. Awesome comedians from all over NY and NJ! Come out and support live in person comedy once again!


77 Main Street

Bound Brook, NJ 08880


Hosted by @lazergoozman

Music by @giovannicomedy

Free - Order Food and Drinks!

No Minimum

This Tuesday we are back in action folks! 7:30 pm at The Tiny Cupboard with a fiyah line up of amazing talent! So get your tix, click the eventbrite link below and pull up hoeee!!👇🙏👇🙏👇https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fair-enough-a-comedy-show-indoo…

This Tuesday we are back in action folks! 7:30 pm at The Tiny Cupboard with a fiyah line up of amazing talent! So get your tix, click the eventbrite link below and pull up hoeee!!



New date, same hot lineup!! Due to inclement weather we were not able to bring you this hot fiyah🔥 show peeps, but now we can! 🙏🧡🙏🧡 So click that Mf'ing reserve button to get your FREE seats now! link in bio or in below comments 🥳🥳 *batteries…

New date, same hot lineup!! Due to inclement weather we were not able to bring you this hot fiyah🔥 show peeps, but now we can!
So click that Mf'ing reserve button to get your FREE seats now! link in bio or in below comments 🥳🥳
*batteries sold separately *

The Tiny Cupboard

1717 Broadway #315

Brooklyn, NY 11207

Wed, November 18, 2020

8:15 PM – 9:30 PM EST

Don’t Jump! A Comedy Show:

Hosted By Nick Carra


Kayt Hester

Aj Sherman

Bassam Shawl

Ryan Rummel

Alex Gardes

Jocelyn Chia

Dan Pyatsetsky!

Hell Yea! Comedy ShowFri, November 13 @ 8pmNo Cover! Cash Bar Hell Yea! CocktailsBring a mask. You can bring your own chair if you like.Host: Josh WellsFeaturing: Alex Grubard Aj Sherman Irv Hernandez Michelle Conrad Pat Haggerty Erin WohlbergPresen…

Hell Yea! Comedy Show

Fri, November 13 @ 8pm

No Cover!
Cash Bar
Hell Yea! Cocktails

Bring a mask.
You can bring your own chair if you like.

Josh Wells

Alex Grubard
Aj Sherman
Irv Hernandez
Michelle Conrad
Pat Haggerty
Erin Wohlberg

Presented by Komedy Kegger

One hour of comedy with an open mic to follow!

Crockpot Comedy is BACK at Pet Shop Tuesday October 27th at 7pm, live in the backyard!  https://fb.me/e/koMP2mROn  Comedians Alex Grubard&nbsp;@alexgrubard&nbsp;, Nate Marshall&nbsp;@isthatnatemarshall&nbsp;, Lemaire Lee&nbsp;@lemairelee&nbsp;, and …

Crockpot Comedy is BACK at Pet Shop Tuesday October 27th at 7pm, live in the backyard!


Comedians Alex Grubard @alexgrubard , Nate Marshall @isthatnatemarshall , Lemaire Lee @lemairelee , and Tyler Rothrock @tylerrothrock bring free and absurd stand-up comedy to Jersey City.
Outdoor Comedy.

Backyard Seating.

Masks Required.

PET SHOP @petshopjc
This is most likely my final performance in #jerseycity as a #jc resident! Thanks for everything!

Friday, September 11, 2020 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM64–79°F Partly CloudyThe Brightside Tavern141 Bright Street, Jersey Cityn NJPublic · Hosted by Diana ZinniThis month, "Take A Compliment" is 1-year old! We're having some of our regulars do an outdoor musi…

Friday, September 11, 2020 at 7 PM – 9:30 PM

64–79°F Partly Cloudy

The Brightside Tavern

141 Bright Street, Jersey Cityn NJ

Public · Hosted by Diana Zinni

This month, "Take A Compliment" is 1-year old! We're having some of our regulars do an outdoor music + comedy showcase at The Brightside Tavern in JC. Performers: Diana Zinni, AJ Sherman, Corey Smithson, Joshua Lay + more! Bring love for the tip jar and enjoy Brightside's delicious menu.

Due to friday’s rain we have postone it for the 17th. So come out and catch these funny peeps out at JSQ Lounge this Friday.Erin Comer WohlbergPedro GarciaAj ShermanAnthony RiveraSteve PostenAllie Mae Brand

Due to friday’s rain we have postone it for the 17th. So come out and catch these funny peeps out at JSQ Lounge this Friday.

Erin Comer Wohlberg

Pedro Garcia

Aj Sherman

Anthony Rivera

Steve Posten

Allie Mae Brand

Coffee. Jokes. Music  Espresso Self Spotlight Thursday, February 27 Hudson Coffee 1100 Maxwell Lane 7PM - $5 Min &amp; BYOB  Comedians: Joey Rinaldi Joey Rinaldi @thejoeyrinaldi IG Melissa Surach Melissa Surach @dirtyapartmentscabsurach IG Grant Coo…

Coffee. Jokes. Music

Espresso Self Spotlight
Thursday, February 27
Hudson Coffee
1100 Maxwell Lane
7PM - $5 Min & BYOB

Joey Rinaldi Joey Rinaldi @thejoeyrinaldi IG
Melissa Surach Melissa Surach @dirtyapartmentscabsurach IG
Grant Cooper Grant Cooper

Dre Brown Dre Brown @drebrwn
Naomi Vernon Naomi Vernon @naomi_musicofficial IG


FB Event


Karen Poliski has been playing idiosyncratic country blues and writing original folk songs for over 20 years. She has participated in every Filthy Song Night - a songwriting competition of the lowest, hilarious, subject matter possible- for the last…

Karen Poliski has been playing idiosyncratic country blues and writing original folk songs for over 20 years. She has participated in every Filthy Song Night - a songwriting competition of the lowest, hilarious, subject matter possible- for the last 11 years, hosting at it's Brooklyn venue, The Jalopy Theatre, for the last four years. Karen also produces small music festivals, stage-manages festivals and is flirting with stand up comedy.

Hey, I’m in this!?!?! Come vote for me!!!

Filthy Song Night - A Competition

Friday, February 21, 2020
9:00 PM 11:59 PM


Another terrific lineup-next Comedy on Edge Show December 30th. Come on out- can't think of a better way to close out the 9th year of the decade!

Another terrific lineup-next Comedy on Edge Show December 30th. Come on out- can't think of a better way to close out the 9th year of the decade!

Artists, Poets, Musicians, Writers, Comedians and Friends of the Arts!   The folks at Hudson Coffee and I are teaming up for an Yule time Ugly Sweater Open Mic Night Thursday (12/19) December 19 at 7pm. 630 Sign Up!  if you do not have an ugly sweat…

Artists, Poets, Musicians, Writers, Comedians and Friends of the Arts!

The folks at Hudson Coffee and I are teaming up for an Yule time Ugly Sweater Open Mic Night Thursday (12/19) December 19 at 7pm. 630 Sign Up!

if you do not have an ugly sweater, that’s cool. No, you may not borrow mine.

6 Minute Sets

Hopefully if this goes well - in 2020 We plan to alternate between the Spotlights and Mics on a monthly basis.

Hudson Coffee
1100 Maxwell Lane
Hoboken, NJ

FB Event


RSVP to Reserve Your Spot Here!


Crockpot: Free and Absurd Stand-Up Comedy is held every 2nd Wednesday at Pet Shop in Jersey City, NJ. Hosted by Tyler Rothrock @tylerrothrock , Nate Marshall @isthatnatemarshall , Alex Grubard @alexgrubard , and Lemaire Lee @lemairelee . It’s free! …

Crockpot: Free and Absurd Stand-Up Comedy is held every 2nd Wednesday at Pet Shop in Jersey City, NJ. Hosted by Tyler Rothrock @tylerrothrock , Nate Marshall @isthatnatemarshall , Alex Grubard @alexgrubard , and Lemaire Lee @lemairelee . It’s free! And absurd!

Pet Shop JC @petshopjc is deemed the #1 bar in Jersey City by NJ.com, serves vegan food, and a variety of wine, local beers, and cocktails.

Alex Nicholas @notalexnicholas
Sarah Bell @sarahbelluhmmm
Mark Henley @markhenely
AJ Sherman @ajdont

Wednesday December 11th
Pet Shop JC
193 Newark Ave.
Jersey City, NJ


Hudson Coffee presents: Espresso Self Spooky Spotlight!  Tricks, Treats &amp; A Costume Contest - Fabulous Prizes!  Featuring the Comedy of: Deana Kobe *@pandorasmouth* Alex Grubard *@alexgrubard* Nate Marshall *@isthatnatemarshall* Joshua Lay *@jos…

Hudson Coffee presents: Espresso Self Spooky Spotlight!

Tricks, Treats & A Costume Contest - Fabulous Prizes!

Featuring the Comedy of:
Deana Kobe *@pandorasmouth*
Alex Grubard *@alexgrubard*
Nate Marshall *@isthatnatemarshall*
Joshua Lay *@joshualay*

Featuring the music of:
Grove Rune *@groverune*
Wyl White *@hazexfrost*
The Racer *@theracermusic*

Tuesday, October 29 @ 6:30pm
Hudson Coffee
1100 Maxwell Lane
Hoboken, NJ
Hudson Coffee
https://bit.ly/2kS5KAw - RSVP!!!

Join us won't you? On Thursday, August 1st for a summer evening of Coffee, Music and Comedy!  Hudson Coffee presents: Espresso Self Spotlight AJ Sherman - @ajdont   Featuring the Comedy Of: Irv Hernandez - @irv03 Ian Steffé - @phony_shalhoub  Featur…

Join us won't you? On Thursday, August 1st for a summer evening of Coffee, Music and Comedy!

Hudson Coffee presents: Espresso Self Spotlight
AJ Sherman - @ajdont

Featuring the Comedy Of:
Irv Hernandez - @irv03
Ian Steffé - @phony_shalhoub

Featuring the Music Of:
Adrian Danon - @adrian.danon
Diana Zinni - @dianazinni

Thursday, August 1 @ 8PM
Hudson Coffee
1100 Maxwell Lane
Hoboken NJ
(this is not an open mic)

FREE comedy show right next to the Path train featuring the top comedians around the NYC/NJ area.  host: Irv Hernandez  featuring comedians:  -AJ Dunk  -Vishnu Vaka  -Josh Carter  -Adam Gabel  -Andrea Chan  -AJ Sherman   with DJ: Chrissy

FREE comedy show right next to the Path train featuring the top comedians around the NYC/NJ area.

host: Irv Hernandez

featuring comedians:

-AJ Dunk

-Vishnu Vaka

-Josh Carter

-Adam Gabel

-Andrea Chan

-AJ Sherman

with DJ: Chrissy

This Comedy Show's talent are personally hand picked by Sib Raza to showcase some of the top talent from New York and beyond. The Duplex is a historic venue is where great legends such as Rodney Dangerfields, Joan Rivers, Barbara Streisand, and many…

This Comedy Show's talent are personally hand picked by Sib Raza to showcase some of the top talent from New York and beyond. The Duplex is a historic venue is where great legends such as Rodney Dangerfields, Joan Rivers, Barbara Streisand, and many others who have emerged and left their footprints.
